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The Shadow Blog

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How your virtual assistant can take your customer service to the next level

How a virtual assistant can make a difference

Running a tradie business is a big job. You have to manage projects, make decisions, and keep your customers happy, all while keeping up with the dreaded but important admin work. It can get pretty full-on. That’s where your virtual assistant can step in, help you stay ahead of your competition, and be known as the tradie who shows up and delivers!

Virtual assistant working on multiple tasks.

Stay on top of emails

Emails can pile up quickly, and it’s easy to miss important ones. Your virtual assistant can keep your inbox organised and make sure every customer email or enquiry gets a quick response. They can sort out the junk, flag the important stuff, and even draft replies for you to check before they hit send. 

Example: Your customer emails to check in on how their build is going. Your virtual assistant can reply straight away, giving a quick update and letting them know when you’ll follow up with more details. This quick reply shows your customers you’re on the ball, and it keeps them happy.

Keep your customers in the loop

Your customers want to know what’s happening with their projects. Your virtual assistant can send regular updates about how things are tracking. They can share what’s coming up next and any changes to the plan. This keeps your customers in the loop without them chasing you for updates.

Example: Your virtual assistant can send weekly updates, letting customers know what’s been done, what’s next, and any delays or changes. If needed, they can also update them on the budget so there are no surprises. This keeps your customers happy and helps build trust.

A virtual Assistant who knows your trade

Your customers want quick and reliable information. A virtual assistant who knows your trade can handle questions about materials, schedules and budgets, saving you time and showing your customers they’re in good hands.

Example: A customer asks when their new kitchen cabinets will be installed. Knowing the project timeline, your virtual assistant can give a quick and accurate answer. This shows your team knows their stuff and keeps your customers confident that everything is on track.

Builder discussing plans with homeowner

Keep your social media active

Showing up on social media keeps you connected with current customers and helps new ones find you when they’re looking for your services.

Your virtual assistant can handle your social media platforms, from creating content for posts to replying to messages, DMs, and comments on Facebook and Instagram.

Nowadays, people prefer to use social media and Messenger to stay in contact and ask questions. It’s a quick and efficient way to communicate without having to pick up the phone.

Your virtual assistant can manage your social customer service by monitoring these channels, replying quickly, and making sure your customers feel listened to and supported. They can also help track what types of posts get the most engagement, allowing you to focus on sharing content that your audience loves.

Example: A potential customer sends you a DM on Instagram asking about your services. Your virtual assistant can reply right away, giving them the information they need, answering any questions, or booking a call. This quick turnaround can make all the difference in winning new business and building your reputation.

Friendly, professional service

Your virtual assistant can give your business a friendly and approachable vibe. They can talk to your customers in a way that makes them feel valued. By adding a personal touch, your virtual assistant helps build strong connections with your customers. This makes your customers feel special and more engaged with your business.

Example: When a customer calls to chat about the work you’re doing, your virtual assistant can chat with them, adding a personal touch and showing the people behind your business. This attention makes customers feel special and more connected to your business.

Making the most of your virtual assistant

Bringing a virtual assistant into your business can take your customer service to the next level. From managing social media to keeping customers updated and making sure emails are answered quickly, a virtual assistant can help you keep your customers happy.

By taking care of these important tasks, your virtual assistant lets you focus on what you do best- running your tradie business.

Hire a Shadow Admin virtual assistant today and see how they can improve your customer service. Your customers will notice the difference, and your competitors will wonder how you do it.

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